DIRECTOR/WRITER: Christopher Nolan
PRODUCERS: Christopher Nolan & Emma Thomas
PERFORMERS: John David Washington Robert Pattinson Elizabeth Debecki Dimple Kapadia Martin Donovan Fiona Dourif Yuri Kolokolnikov Clemence Posey Aaron Taylor-Johnson
with Michael Caine and Kenneth Branagh

Christopher Nolan is unlike any other filmmaker, he's out of this world and quite the original when it comes to storytelling. This film, in his latest of films, is living proof of that. Following Dunkirk, he returns to familiar territory with this film that combines the elements of science-fiction, action, corporate espionage and time bending. As it's said in the film... "you are armed with only one word: Tenet". I'll admit, when I first heard of this I had very little idea of what to expect and none whatsoever of what Nolan had up his sleeve this time around. What I got in the end... was in fact quite a cinematic (and drive-in) experience I hadn't had in a long time since the pandemic shut down the theaters.
It's INCEPTION (which had a 10th birthday this year) meets DEJA VU with a touch of a JAMES BOND added to it. Like a recipe being cooked up for what's bound to be worthy of theatrical experience... especially under the leadership of writer and director Nolan given his track record of films with open plot holes and just leaving the audience not only satisfied, but with their own perspective how things play out and come to an end. Without giving away too much, it seems like your average spy kind of film as John David Washington (in his 2nd leading role since BLACK KKLANSMEN) portrays an operative who goes on a mission unlike anything we've ever seen in a spy thriller. And unlike your typical spy film, there's no "on the run from authorities or your own agency", no "former soldier coming out of retirement", just your average Nolan type of "here's a guy you're about to go on this amazing journey with and you're going to be left with a ton of questions in the end". Washington really carries this film with a lot of strength, determination and conviction, I saw so much of his father in him almost the whole film, yet at the same time see him come into his own right as an actor and here's why: what you inherit from your parent is something that you don't get on your own, it's something that you receive. Washington is someone who I've seen in a long list of up and coming actors and having seen him in this film has proven to me that he works for the parts he gets, rather than have them handed to him just because he's the son of one of the world's most respected and celebrated actors of the past 40 years. The last time I saw that kind of display was 5 years ago when a film called "STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON", which told the story of the historic rap group N.W.A, was released and who better to play the part of Ice Cube than O'Shea Jackson, Jr.? Not only was he right for the role, but he worked for it and in the end... it paid off. The same kind of example here is displayed, not only has Washington proved he can carry a film, but he can also have you thinking 'Look out! Here comes another Washington destined for greatness!'
As a villainous arms dealer, Kenneth Branagh really pulls off a convincing performance as a diabolical individual with real intensity considering this is the first time I've ever seen him in a part like this in a long time since 'Othello'. The possessive nature of his character is so believable that you just can't wait for him to get his comeuppance, but that's just how good an actor he truly is. At one point in the film, you see how sadistic his character really is when he nearly thwarts the mission. He believes in achieving victory at all costs, even by death, whereas Washington acts on faith to do what's right and just (2 CORINTHIANS 5:7 NIV) therefore displaying the difference between both men. While watching the film, I was absolutely entertained and thrilled by the action surrounding the events. The effects were spectacular, the action was heart pounding and just seeing everything going from forwards to backwards here and there, left and right, you almost couldn't tell right away what was going on, but if you pay close attention to the details as the film goes on, you can see what's happening, how it's happening and when it's happening. Like "BACK TO THE FUTURE, Part II (1989)", there are moments of past events already seen and experienced integrated with the present time, but nothing like what you see in this. If anything, just watching things happen the way they do in this film either confuses you or gets you so into the moment that you just don't care so long as there's very little detail being shown and that's the beauty of Nolan's films like Memento, The Prestige or Inception. All his films are a mystery that has us on this time loop going back and forth and there is no end, except what we make for ourselves rather than have it made for us. As Robert Pattinson says in the film: "What's happened, happened".
Nolan has once again proven, as he has time and time again, that even the slightest type of subject can be the most original show you've ever seen. This is truly the most original film I've seen with that original feel to it. The COVID-19 crisis may have shut down the theaters and any or some major releases set for this year (now moved to next year in 2021) but this one refused to be delayed and in doing so, even despite the several setbacks, became what I like to call the best thing to happen in the movies all year. This brought me even more admiration and respect for Nolan and if today's filmmakers were to follow his example, perhaps Hollywood would still be what it was before we entered this era where so much originality is lacking that you wonder 'where has the thrill gone all of a sudden?' This guy however is a force to be reckoned with, he doesn't use CGI effects, only practical. He doesn't use digital film, only the 35 MIL, specifically IMAX as he has been since 'The Dark Knight' and now with this one. It took me two viewings to come up with a proper review for this film and in many ways just like the film, I felt like I was going forward and backward in time while finding the right words. I can't even imagine Marty McFly and Doc Brown doing the things that the people in this film did, but it beats having to use a vehicle for a time machine for time's sake. Definitely a must see in the theaters (more than once is strongly advised), highly recommended and remember to pay close attention to the details, otherwise you'll be puzzled the whole way through. All in all, thank you Mr. Nolan for releasing this magnificent film in the theaters and for giving people like me a reason to return to the theaters and to Mr. Washington for showing us what can bring to the table as a leading man of color in a film like this! Your father would be very proud of you. I tip my hat to you both for a job well done and prayerfully, this leads to the resurrection of the movie-going experience despite the present time we're in (PSALM 146:5 NIV).
5 out of 5 stars!!!