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REVIEW: AVENGERS: Endgame (2019)

Writer's picture: moviemanmovieman

Updated: Jun 18, 2019

Directors: Anthony & Joe Russo

Producer: Kevin Feige

Writers: Christopher Markus & Stephen McNeely

Performers: Robert Downey, Jr. Chris Evans Mark Ruffalo Chris Hemsworth

Scarlett Johansson Jeremy Renner Paul Rudd Brie Larson and Josh Brolin

RATING: ****

I had the pleasure and opportunity of seeing this movie the night before opening day, and with the ongoing insistence of #dontspoiltheendgame being spread all over the world, I didn't want to do a review that would give everything away. So I wrote this one instead to say what a great film it was and that it was everything I expected in a final chapter. 11 years and 22 films in the making, Avengers: Endgame delivers and it does not dissapoint.

"We're in the Endgame now" - Doctor Strange from AVENGERS: INFINTY WAR

When we last left the Avengers, they were faced with perhaps their greatest opponent ever known: Thanos (JOSH BROLIN). An intergalactic purple titan who ever only had one goal: To wipe out 50% of the universe (Remember, God created the earth in just six days and rested on the 7th day = GENESIS 2:2) by collecting ALL six infinty stones of immense power, In the end... he succeeded. And for the first time, our heores had lost a fight resulting in the most heartbreaking cliffhanger ever put to screen. But here, in the follow up to that chapter, the surviving members are given a second chance to take it all back. After waiting and waiting for the last year, one of the most anticipated films of the year has finally arrived!!! I remember walking out the theater so upset and distraught over that ending, although I still enjoyed watching it. But within the last year, with the anticipation build up and the recent trailers, my hope in them hadn't been completely diminished. If anything, it was being built up for this moment.

After almost a decade of storytelling and your average popcorn entertainment, everything comes full circle in this epic finale. Bigger than Infinty War, bigger than Star Wars or even Harry Potter for that matter, Endgame is so pleasing on so many different levels. The acting is superb, the effects are eye-popping and the story (which will NOT be spoiled here) is so well written that you'll be begging for more. At just 3 hours and 1 minute, this culmination fest gives us exactly what Doctor Strange had seen before giving up his time stone or being dusted out of existence. I won't say what or even mention it, but the payoff is beyond anything you can ever expect. The relationships in this film are also well played out: They say that chemistry is so important that if it isn't there, then it doesn't work. Everyone from Robert Downey, Jr. to Chris Evans and the rest of them, these guys made it work. And they certainly do that in this one. It didn't matter whether you met their characters 10 years ago, 5 years ago or even last year, something about them grabbed you and never let go.

I remember seeing the first Avengers movie for the first time, the chemistry between the main actors was what drew me to them. And when they came together as a team,

I thought I was looking at a mix between 'The Breakfast Club' and 'Star Wars'. Because in a way, it felt like that Brat Pack era was brought back to life again, this time into a world of superheroes and supervillians. One was about a group of strangers who meet for only one day and the other is in outer space about unlikely allies trying to bring down a ruling empire. What they have in common is that the characters can't stand each other, but learn to work with each other to bring down their common enemy. With The Avengers, it's the same thing, only on a bigger scale because they defend not just the earth, but the universe as well. In Endgame, this was rather a three way mix for me: between 'Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)', 'The Dark Knight Rises(2012)' and 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part II (2009)'. The reason for that is mainly because of the way this one wraps everything up the way those other films mentioned did, specifically the dark tone they all included. Of course this is considered a part 4, but when you think about it, it's actually the second part of a third film story-wise and therefore 3.2.

There was nothing cheesy about this movie which I appreciate, because that's what it didn't need to be. Any grand finale deserves a good one and this delivers big time. All the effects looked real, not cartoonish. Like you were being immersed into another world and I always look for that in every film that involves special and visual effects. Mo-Cap performances were great as usual, I think this is something that will last as long as film will. The Russo Brothers have definitely come a long way. From The Winter Soldier to Infinity War, not only did they give audiences what they want, they even proved that not every superhero film ends on a good note. And in this case, they do deliver without fail. But if you want to know what happens in the end, you have to see it for yourself.

In conclusion, This was truly the biggest crossover event I had ever seen since last year's Infinity War. The climax of Endgame is so satisfying and rewarding that you'd have to be on another world to not enjoy it. From "IRON MAN" to this one, every single entry in the MCU always seemed like an actual comic book brought to life in front of our eyes. And who knew we would ever come this far?

I can honestly say: WELL DONE MARVEL! The perfect end... to a perfect era.


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