PRODUCERS: J.J. Abrams & Kathleen Kennedy
WRITERS: J.J. Abrams & Chris Terrio (screenplay/story) & Derek Connolly & Colin Trevorrow (story)
ACTORS: Daisy Ridley Oscar Issac John Boyega Adam Driver Kelly Marie-Trang Naomi Ackie Keri Russell with Ian McDiarmid Anthony Daniels Mark Hamill Carrie Fisher and Billy Dee Williams

In 1977, a young filmmaker named George Lucas created one of the most innovative films in cinema history and perhaps the biggest franchise saga ever. That film was called 'STAR WARS' and it told the story of good vs. evil set in space and on planet locations from the imagination of Lucas himself, but mainly built around the deepest cosmos of the universe that was created by God himself. This review is a reflection of my experience with the final chapter and very much necessary conclusion to the second trilogy of the original counterpart that defined the way today's films are made now and defied all expectations to fail. The Skywalker story finally ends with a bang so big, that we immediately remember that it all began a long time ago in a galaxy... far... far... away!
It's been said before that every journey has a first step. And we all know that every story has a beginning. And with every beginning, there is always an end waiting to happen. Here, we've reached that point in the world's most beloved saga that spans over four decades of storytelling, memorable moments and eye-popping entertainment. For me personally, these things that happen are told in three parts. From 2015's 'The Force Awakens' to 2017's 'The Last Jedi' (which I liked and I have no regrets about it either), the sequel trilogy ends with the story of the Skywalker family as the remaning heroes: Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, Tran and yes Princess Leia prepare for one final stand against the dreaded First Order.
The story got off to a rather questioning start, but then things began to pick up and from there, it was a rollercoaster ride that never lets you go. Also, seeing Luke Skywalker (in ghost force form) was great too. His part may have been brief and short, but hey, what do you expect? The last time we saw him he was on the brink of transition to the force and on his way to joining the other Jedi masters of the past. Leia, there's not enough words to say how much we miss the actress who played her. There will never be another Carrie Fisher anymore than we'll never have another Peter Mayhew (who originally played Chewbacca) for that matter. As for the main performers: Ridley, Boyega, Issac etc. everyone did great especially Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. Up until this, I never heard of him or seen him in anything, but man did he play his part to the core, especially when unmasked. You could see he was playing a torn young man who's stuck between the light and the darkness. Even in this episode it's pretty clear that there's a part of him that wants to break away from his prison and be free (2 TIMOTHY 2:26). Having Billy Dee Williams back as Lando Calrissian was also a delight as well, he was like the anchor of this film, the only old timer there to remind everyone that in every battle, the only thing stronger than taking on an impossible fight is having those who stand with you till the end (JOHN 15:13). Perhaps the biggest surprise of all was seeing the evil Emperor Palpatine return after more than thirty years and Ian McDiarmid does it so well that you really can't see it any other way. If you think about it, his part was a major one in ending the Skywalker storyline. From the side characters to the droids, everyone did their parts well and as for Kelly Marie Tran who played Rose Tico, I want to say that no matter what anyone says... Her part in the films were just as good as one would expect (1 TIMOTHY 4:12) and in this one she definitely had more development and evolution, something to look for in everyone being portrayed in every follow-up.
For the effects, they were just as great and director J.J. Abrams brings here what I believe to be a good and fitting close to the trilogy that he started. Had he stayed on board with 'Jedi' perhaps it could have turned out very differently but every film has it's flaws, that's why no one film is perfect. Now the last film wasn't even as half as bad, but there are some key references to it in this one such as Luke's ghost apperance, whenever we need guidance or advice, there's always that one person who comes to us in our time of need. For Rey it was Luke and if everyone remembers right, when Luke was much younger and in Rey's shoes it was Obi-Wan Kenobi (PROVERBS 20:18). So as it happens, not everything was completely bad in all of them, these films were what they needed to be. The writing was excellent, though one wonders what the film could have been like if contributing writer Colin Trevorrow stayed on board as director considering the brilliance he brought to the Jurassic World films. And Chris Terrio brings here what he brought to 2016's 'Rogue One', an extravaganza you just don't forget.
In Conclusion, it's not easy to say goodbye to people you love and grow up with anymore than having to do that with things you had as a child or grew to love. But coming from someone who doesn't believe in goodbyes, it's really just 'Take care, good luck, godspeed and see you soon'. This part of Star Wars may be over finally, but we'll always have Star Wars in our hearts and memories and that's all we'll ever need. The ending to this film also solidified that, in that same shot with the sunset as portrayed in past Star Wars films. That to me is the epitome of these movies because of it's symbolization of where we are and where we want to be or get to in our lives. Disney may own Star Wars now, but the truth is George Lucas created this universe. A universe that taught us lessons about ourselves, inspired us to be bigger and better than we are and that it's never too late to save the ones we care about. Mostly, your best friends and allies can become the closest thing you have to a family, where as in the beginning what Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, the droids etc. became in the original trilogy. Same thing with the new characters in these films. As we close out the year 2019 and the decade, we can only look forward to what lies ahead and in this case, there's only one thing left to say: May the force be with you! Strongly recommended!!