DIRECTOR: Todd Phillips
PRODUCER: Todd Phillips & Bradley Cooper & Emma Tillinger-Koskoff
WRITERS: Todd Phillips & Scott Silver
ACTORS: Joaquin Phoenix Robert DeNiro Zazie Beets Frances Conroy Brett Cullen

This character has been hailed as one of the most favorable and greatest supervillains ever created. Inspired by a silent film called "The Man Who Laughs" and circus clowns, from his first appearance in the early DC comic books as Batman's most formidable nemesis, the rest as they say, is history. I grew up loving and at the same time being terrified by The Joker over the years so yes, it was weird for me to see him get his own film. From Caesar Romero to Jack Nicholson to Mark Hamill and ultimately the late Heath Ledger, each potrayal has endured and entertained me for as long as I can remember, but never have they been so touching and heartfelt as this one. This film proves that everyone, hero or villian, can have their own story be told and either be moved or frightened!
Joaquin Phoenix gives the ultimate performance of his career as the Clown Prince of Crime but with a new twist: before his crime prime and in his civilian status as another citizen trying to make people laugh, but can't catch a break, before going toe-to-toe with Batman, which I liked the most about this movie. The reason for that is because it's not about another struggle between good and evil people, it's about one person's struggle to fit in and the results of countless unsuccessful attempts to fit in a society that he thinks he loves, but learns the hard way doesn't love him back. Mainly who he is, where he comes from and what drove him to be a major crime figure within the annals of Gotham City. Everything in this film is about ALL of these things. The application of well known character traits while using a new personality that differs from the past incarnations. Seeing him do what he does, what he goes through and how he handles them, each shot is so majestic and art like, that you think Director Todd Phillips is taking you on a ride you'll never forget.
As far as the supporting cast, Robert DeNiro really took me by surprise because, an actor of his range, little did I know that he would agree to do something like this. I thought he was a blend between Jay Leno and his character from "GOODFELLAS (1990)" and this is why: as one of my favorite actors he did not disappoint. There were many impressive moments in the film that demonstrated good writing and that involved a potential love story between Joker and another Gotham resident, only to discover it was all a fantasy sequence in the mind... leaving us audience members thinking what might have been or could have been, but then nope! Not now, not here and not ever. Some moments in the film either have you feel bad for him or want to route with him, especially near the end which I wont' dare give away.
"If the world hates you, keep in mind the world hated me first" - JOHN 15:13 NIV
We live in a world that fears and despises us because of what we appear to be on the outside. If I remember right in the bible, Jesus was a celebrated figure by his performed miracles, but at the same time also a hated individual because no one believed him to be the son of God. As a result, he was taken for granted and misunderstood by a society just like Gotham City. In a way, Joker may be a villain but in this film he is seen as just another guy who wanted bring joy to people's lives but was denied that and in the process took a wrong turn. Phoenix delivers what could very well be talked about for the next several years to come. This film even questioned: What does it take for a person to go crazy? What IS crazy? What makes a person tick? This movie answers those questions and even gets you to question yourself: Where do my limits lie? Am I sane or Insane? How many bad days do I have to go as far as he did to get to his level? Things to consider before going all out. All in all, this was a very enjoyable film and so far, one of the best character driven films ever witnessed. Well crafted, well written and well played... so much in fact that I won't be surprised if Phoenix wins a Best Actor Oscar for his part, let alone this film winning Best Picture of the Year!!! We'll see come next year. Highly recommended!!!!!
* * * * OUT OF * * * *