DIRECTOR: Andy Muschetti
PRODUCERS: Roy Lee & Dan Lin & Babara Muschetti
WRITER: Gary Dauberman
ACTORS: James McAvoy Jessica Chastain Bill Hader Isaiah Mustafah James Ransone
Jay Ryan Andy Bean Bill Skarsgard

Two Years Ago one film redefined the horror genre of this generation, that film was "IT". Released in 2017 the movie was a fresh new rebooted take on the classic story from Stephen King in the lastest in line of adapted film based on his novels. Now I grew up watching the original 1990 TV miniseries so of course, I had my high doubts about the film at the time, only to have a change of heart after seeing the new one... and i learned something from it: This is the stuff that Horror film sequels should be and what are made of!
With these words, a blood pack is initiated between seven kids who make an oath to return to their home town one summer after a deadly encounter with an otherworldly entity. Now it's 27 years later and the creature has come back indeed, to exact vengeance on our seven heroes (now grown adults) after resurfacing from the depths below. Now the reunited Losers Club group must come together once again to vanquish IT... once and for all. Most of us know the story already by this point in time, IT takes place between not one but two different time periods, In this case, 1989 and 2016.
First off there were many few things I liked about this movie and the last one and what they have in common with each other is the themes of comradery, perseverance and teamwork. The comradery between the seven main characters is displayed through their willingness to battle their common enemy as well as rise above their greatest fears to do so. I used to be super obsessed with the original TV movie so when it came to performances I had that "no one can outdo this" approach, but when Chapter One came out it was simply no walk in the park. From McAvoy to Bean (Bill Hader steals every scene he's in as Finn Wolfhard did for his part as a young Richie) everyone hit a home run, especially Bill Skarsgard the real star of the show.
"FOR 27 YEARS, I DREAMT OF YOU... I'VE CRAVED YOU... I'VE MISSED YOU!" - Pennywise (Bill Skarsgard)
This is a performance that has left a real impression on me since Heath Ledger's Joker in THE DARK KNIGHT ('08) and the thing is... he doesn't even try to be Tim Curry. Here he's more younger, more terrifying and more devious than Curry's version. Plus he doesn't have to be Curry to make this role work for him, just himself. I think that if I were an actor chosen to play a part already made famous by another actor, I too would seek advice and follow it (PROVERBS 12:15). Something Else I liked was the effects, not too cheesy and not too fake either, save for the grand finale. The direction by Muschietti was also excellent as well as you felt you were on this journey with these people from start to finish. As for the themes, one must not be quick to judge before personally observing them for ourselves (MATTHEW 7:1)
To conclude, this was exactly what I pictured: a grand finale with everything in a horror film one would expect. All loose ends tied up and a story well told. Despite many gay references that may not have been in the book, it was an otherwise enjoyable film. For a good time and scary suspense this is definitely worth the time and worth seeing and if you haven't seen Chapter One yet, you have no idea what you're missing! Good job, awesome way to kick off the fall season and strongly recommended!!! NEXT: JOKER!!!!
**** out of ****