PRODUCERS: Kevin Fiege & Amy Pascal
WRITERS: Erik Sommers & Chris McKenna
ACTORS: Tom Holland Jake Gyllenhaal Zendaya Marisa Tomei Samuel L. Jackson

Okay, so we've all seen SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING, some liked it and some didn't. But I did, I found it very enjoyable and exciting and sequel-worthy. Although Tobey Maguire will always be my top Spidey actor (considering it started with him), Tom Holland seems to be off on a swingin' note on the youthful side of Spidey. A long time ago, sequels could never match up to hype of it's predecessor, now in this day in age that game has changed. Over the years, reboot films were highly risky and skeptical and you had to wait till they were released to see for yourself if it was worth the wait AND the view, This was one of them. From 'Spider-Man 2' ('04) to ' The Dark Knight' ('08), sequels have shown a recent spark of improvement and have not stopped since, this almost lives up to that task but is a rather decent effort yet still another good one.
If this film proves one thing it's this: A superhero's duty is never finished, just ongoing. Holland shows he can make us believe he can be a regular kid and a courageous hero at the same time. After all that's what Spider-Man is all about, someone who wants a real life for himself while saving the world all at once but can't have it because of hero duties (LUKE 16:13). Gyllenhaal himself gets to shine in something he's been up for ever since the 2004 sequel 'Spider-Man 2' and everyone remembers that. As Illusion artist Quentin Beck, he can be both convincing and surprising at the same time... as his true colors are shown near the end seeing him do the things he does is actually like going into a person's mind and thoughts. Never in years did I even think a villian like Mysterio would ever show up in a Spider-Man feature film and the details behind his wizardry are just mind blowing. His contribution to this movie proves that he was meant to be in a Spidey film, if not the titular hero he almost was at one point. Everyone else, from Ned to Flash and of course Aunt May (TOMEI) and even Happy Hogan (JON FAVERAU) at times did their parts very well in supporting roles. But how can we forget Samuel L. Jackson as the one who made it possible: Nick Fury. Sure, Iron Man started the whole Avengers extravaganza, but the way I see it: Fury was the man who brought them together when they were needed. Stepping in as Parker's recruiter, Jackson also brings what he has always brought to the MCU: that same grandfatherly figure some of us need when our fatherly figures aren't around anymore.
The story isn't much but very decent, using elements from films like 'European Vacation' and 'James Bond' films. Locations are beyond exotic, certain scenes make the film great and a few jokes here and there are also less serious, more teen angst but nonetheless still laughable. It balances Comedy, Drama and Action very well but very much like a blend between the above films mentioned with a 1980's teen angst film touch added to it. Maybe a little rushed and fast paced, it's still an enjoyable work of art. We all know just how effects are brought into the film to make them more worth seeing, but the way they're used for this film as Beck's actions during and after his revelation is perhaps the first time I've ever seen anyone use such a thing for the gain that person seeks while the other sticks to his duty in truth and remains 100% real about it (PSALMS 119:36). Though one must admit, I didn't know if the effects were telling the story or the actions behind them. Any behind the scenes aspects of a certain show are sometimes way more interesting than the show itself. But as Hugh Jackman said in "The Greatest Showman"... 'The show must go on' and he was right.
Spider-Man has always been known as one of the most greatest ever made because he's likeable and even more so... relatable. We all go through that phase of 'I have this thing I have to do' and 'I have this thing I want to have for myself'. And sometimes we can't always get what we want. But in the end, the end result is always better than what we envision. In this case, Peter wanting to be a kid still, but ends up becoming a man. Since his MCU debut in CIVIL WAR ('16), some of us have wondered 'where did he come from?' Well, he was just a kid from Queens, NY and having grown up in the time of The Avengers and having powers of his own... is there anyone his age who wouldn't want to be a part of a group like that?! In 'HOMECOMING' he was just young, but in this one, he becomes more than before like finding his own inner person. And if a 3rd film in this canon happens, who knows... he just may go full throttle with that one. All in all, this was a worthy follow-up to a story that has yet to go on as does the show also. The post-credits scene is also a real treat and will definitely leave you wanting and waiting for more. Prayers for another Spider-Man film of this sort to happen in the next few years and that the story, character evolution and the next lead villain will be released soon. As for Marvel and Sony... keep up the good work and continue to deliver!!!
MY RATING: * * * out of * * * *